Infinix has officially unveiled the Note 30 5G, the latest addition to its Note 30 series, in India as promised. The smartphone boasts a large 6.78-inch FHD+ LCD screen with a 120Hz refresh rate. Powering the device is the Dimensity 6080 SoC, which is essentially a rebranded version of the Dimensity 810 SoC. Users can enjoy smooth multitasking and enhanced performance with the option of up to 8GB of RAM, along with an additional 8GB of virtual RAM.
One of the standout features of the Infinix Note 30 5G is its impressive 108MP camera, equipped with a film mode for capturing videos with a cinematic touch. Additionally, it offers a super night mode for capturing stunning low-light images. The smartphone also supports a dual-view feature, allowing users to simultaneously record videos using both the front and rear cameras.
The device incorporates a unique bypass charging feature, with the charging current bypassing the battery and directly reaching the motherboard. This innovative design reduces overheating while charging and gaming simultaneously. In fact, compared to regular charging modes, the Bypass Charging feature can minimize temperature increases by up to 7 °C, according to the company.
The Infinix Note 30 5G also supports dual-channel fast charging technology, utilizing two 2:1 charge parallel pumps capable of delivering a 45W charge. With this rapid charging speed, the device can go from 1% to 75% battery capacity in just 30 minutes.
To ensure lasting performance, the phone is equipped with a robust 5000mAh battery that can withstand up to 1000 charge and discharge cycles. Even after 1000 cycles, the battery retains 80% of its original capacity, surpassing the industry standard of 800 cycles by 25%. In practical terms, this means the battery can provide approximately 3 years of regular usage with daily charging, as per the company’s claims.